Deep Dental Cleaning/ Dental Hygiene and Its Benefits

July 14, 2018

Most of us are familiar with the semi-annual professional cleanings of our teeth, right? It is a routine procedure that is covered by most dental insurance, and they help us keep our teeth clean and healthy. Some people, however, tend to neglect their teeth cleanings or prophylaxis, or some have more serious issues with their oral health. They can benefit from a deep cleaning of their teeth. This is routinely performed within our office as part of your cleaning by our registered dental hygienists who are trained to do so as necessary. The depth of the cleaning is necessitated by the depth of pocketing around the tooth. If bacteria have access to an area then that area needs to be addressed even if you don’t see it.


Deep Cleaning vs. Surface Polishing (Prophylaxis)

Deep cleaning, also known as Scaling and Root Planing, is a therapeutic procedure essential to heading off periodontal disease. In addition to cleaning the teeth, the dentist or registered hygienist will use scalers, probes and other tools for cleaning the area below the gum line. Depending on the extent of the cleaning and patient sensitivity, the provider might opt to numb the area to be cleaned with the use of local anesthetic to ensure comfort.


Periodontal disease occurs when plaque, calculus, and stain on the crown and root surfaces of the teeth start to cause inflammation of the gums. Rough surfaces harbour bacteria. If this is left untreated, it can lead to serious damage to the bones and soft tissue that the teeth rely on for integrity and support. If left untreated for too long, the end result is tooth loss. This is often initially observed as ‘receding gums’ – the gum tissue pulls away and detaches from the teeth. This is also the time when periodontal pockets form. This alteration to the foundation is also created with the presence of disruptive force applications. Bacterial invasion creates mobility and mobility allows bacterial invasion. These two combatants must be kept in check.


Scaling and root planning gives the gums a healthier environment in which they can readapt and attach to the normal teeth surfaces.



These are some of the most important benefits you can get from a deep cleaning:



Deep dental cleanings help discourage diseases that result from a proliferation of bacteria. Removing all calculus, plaque and tartar also mean that infections will no longer easily form.



There have been many studies that have proved the connection between one’s oral and overall health. It has also been shown that the root diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and stroke are often found in one’s oral health. Deep dental cleaning can be your ally in preventing medical conditions that are linked to oral issues. The mouth is the portal of entry. In addition, regular dental checkups and deep cleaning procedures can help you diagnose life-threatening diseases earlier.



The most common cause of gum diseases is the buildup of plaque, and gum disease is known to be the major cause of tooth loss. Since deep cleaning includes removing the plaque from your teeth and gums, it helps prevent from having loose teeth or worse, tooth loss.



Sparkling white smiles is what all of us want, right? We all know how important it is to have a bright smile for self-confidence, but it is not that easy to maintain white teeth for various reasons – drinking coffee and smoking. This is why you should consider having deep cleaning on a regular basis.


Setup an appointment with one of the dentists and dental hygienists at Acadia Dental for dental hygiene/ a deep cleaning procedure. Trust us, it is worth it!